333 Miracles: A Testimony of Continued Blessings


333 Miracles: A Testimony of Continued Blessings

To varying degrees, life can be overwhelming. For many, it seems as though problems pile up on one another with no end in sight. A cycle of lack and defeat makes hope seem like an unreachable concept. Lisa Noël Babbage shows people that there is hope. In 333 Miracles, she shares her personal story, one that is marked by traumas such as sexual and drug abuse, divorce, and cancer. Her testimony recalls more than thirty years of bondage which was brought to an end by the path she walked with Jesus Christ. She identifies biblical principles learned on her journey to hope relating experiences that speak to all people. Her openness about her experiences help readers learn how a closer relationship with God can help you reach beyond trauma to find hope.

333 Miracles introduces people and relates experiences that can speak to anyone. Babbage’s openness about her experiences help readers learn how a closer relationship to God can help them reach beyond the traumas to find hope.

Foreword by LaNell Babbage-Torres

What every Christian Believer wants to hear from God is, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” I have asked my daughter for the honor and privilege of writing the forward to this her first book. God said to me – “Who better than the person who was there for most of Lisa’s journey?”

When Lisa was conceived it came as a surprise to my husband as he was not ready to be a father. However I knew I was ready to be a mother and because I was not sure how long our marriage would last, I took matters into my own hands. I wasn’t a Christian at the time and saw nothing wrong with my decision to orchestrate the pregnancy. My husband and I had been raised in the church, I was raised Catholic, he was Episcopal. I had many strikes against me, but the biggest problem was that I was Roman Catholic. My future mother-in-law was horrified.

My mother, on the other hand, cared little for the kind of church Christopher belonged to, and he was white – that was a big no, no! Christopher and I made a joke of the Christening as my husband’s father was an Episcopal priest and from a long line of blue bloods. We offered our daughter not knowing the importance of our actions to God. Incidentally, her Godparents were
friends of our (Jewish atheists). My life was looking up; I had escaped poverty and an abusive home. I married the man of my dreams and now I had the most beautiful baby girl in the world!

Lisa was and is the best reward for all of the hopes and dreams of any mother. To say that I wasn’t a bit nervous about this book being published would be an understatement. However, the title alone gives me peace of mind. This book is a labor of love from my daughter and I want to be the first to say as I did when she was born, look at this awesome daughter, God has blessed me with! She has been a joy, even in her teens. She has never failed to surprise me; she had an old soul ever since birth. This book tells the good, the bad, and the not so pretty life of one family, much like so many others. It isn’t just the story of black meets white, rich meets poor, or well educated meets the lesser. What I hope for you the reader to take away from it is the undeniable hand of God. He can and will, if you allow Him, take any life and rescue you. HE saves, generation after generation.

When I was younger, I thought that I would be unable to break free of the racist mentally of both black and white. The gap between rich and poor that we are faced with; that somehow when all the cards are stacked against you – but God! Many people still believe that America is a racist country even after America elected the first black man President. That only black people have been in slaved and only whites have owned them. People still think that the world owes them a house with a car as part of their right to existence. Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant you sluggard consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” Then there are some who think they can play God with life; i.e., abortion, euthanasia, and the New World Order. Without God, men do unspeakable things to each other. How could anyone in their right mind could chose to live a life without God? Satan has to blind our minds and hearts, in order to convince us to accept his system; for when we fully see him (Satan) we will be shocked to think such a worm brought down nations.

The Lord Jesus Christ took one black girl from the housing projects of Atlanta and a white boy from Sydney Australia, and created 333 Miracles and counting.

I loved my husband to the point of idol worship. He was a direct descendant of inventor Charles Babbage, father of the computer. Our lives were filled with rebellion against a loving God we knew not of. The American Dream was going to happen for me, not just to someone else.
God had allowed me to have a chance of a lifetime; but without God, that dream went up in smoke. I accepted the Lord as my Savior June 11, 1978, on a Sunday morning, and I am forever grateful to God that I had a chance to plant the seeds of Faith into my children at a young age. My father had saved me from being aborted and I had the opportunity to lead him in prayer for his salvation well before he went home to be with the Lord.
Our entire family was saved from abortion at one time or another starting with me. Lisa was the second to be targeted. This is her journey, where she started out and when she invited Jesus Christ into her life. For as many failures as we have there is forgiveness, seventy times seven, everyday, walking out our faith in Jesus Christ.

I believe fear is the number one reason for sin. In the Garden of Eden there was no fear until Satan showed up, with poison in his mouth (lies). Those lies brought confusion, fear and death. Fear robs us of Trust in God, a Loving God, who only wants the best for us. How could we be so
afraid to put all our cares on HIm for God is a Big God? Nothing too hard is a gross understatement. We should run to the Father and joyfully release all that Satan has tried to steal, kill and destroy. Whose hands are mightier, whose heart is purer? Who created everything seen and unseen just for us? Fear Not!

My hope is that you find faith, hope, love and courage for your life on every page. That is what a testimony is all about. Not merely to entertain, although there have been many entertaining times along the way. Not to blame or shock the audience, certainly there is plenty to share.
The truth is … but God. There will be giants, but God, you will suffer hurt and pain beyond belief, but God. But because of God you will have Victory; you will know that you are loved. You will find peace and unspeakable joy. To God I say, “Thank You” for all my children. I say, “Thank You” to God for the 333 miracles in every person, of everyday, in every life, born and unborn.
Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call unto me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”.

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333 Miracles: Devotional Workbook


To varying degrees, life can be overwhelming. For many, it seems as though problems pile up on one another with no end in sight. A cycle of lack and defeat makes hope seem like an unreachable concept. Lisa Noël Babbage shows people that there is hope. In 333 Miracles, she shares her personal story, one that is marked by traumas such as sexual and drug abuse, divorce, and cancer. Her testimony recalls more than thirty years of bondage which was brought to an end by the path she walked with Jesus Christ.

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